Restoration of lost dignity


▪️The spirit Of Jezebel In The Church

……..Many has lost their dignity even without their knowledge — Dignity is honor, pride and respect of human.

Dignity differentiate man from animal… its God’s glory and many had traded theirs for a peanut.

You attend night vigil, preach on social media and your inbox is filled with immoral or seductive chats.

In church or at home you become Daughter’s of Zion but outside or in school campus you become daughter’s of high frequency of champion with Immoral infatuations and thoughts.

Your mobile Phone 📱 ….G.S.M (Generating Satanic Mission) is hash tag with immoral clips and pornography.

You tagged yourself “Born Again” but secretly concealing the attires of JEZEBEL in your wardrobe… order to wore them after you backslid.

…..that is why your condition is like this! 😢

So frustrated, hopeless and helpless, also deserted.

No spouse!
No children!
No Job!
No Money!

….your spiritual life already in morgue and awaiting to be buried.

…you can’t Pray for an hour or fast again ….no time for Bible 📖 reading but always running 🏃 to Pastors for Prayers and you thought you can deceive the LORD GOD OF HOST.

A Christian who rub….rub and rub face with palmcake and now the palmcake has refused to stay.

You paint your mouth…now looking like mouth 👄 of a vampire stained with blood.

You paint and fixed nails 💅 ….now no different between you and chimpanzee or Gorilla.

You brought a nice skirt or gown 👗 but decides to reshape it in order to preview your inner thighs body shape, becoming an instrument or device for seduction.

…..remember JEZEBEL!



We would be treat the:

▪️Teaching On How To Uphold Sexual Purity.
▪️Teaching On How To Overcome All Various Form Of Sexual Immoralities.
▪️ Relationship & Marriage Teaching.
▪️Deliverance From Foundational Powers.
▪️Deliverance From Spiritual Spouses.
▪️Deliverance On Various Form Of Spiritual Weaknesses….etc

May God God Bless 🙏


Now Let Continue……✍🏻

Jezebel was a very good painter, a seducer and first of her kind in History of mankind — She paints erotic and Italian style and drawing.

The Bible said “On that day she painted and stood at the upstair and seeing Jehu coming to the land. Behold she saw the beauty of Jehu and said “Ha, this is a good meat 🍖 “.

She went upstair to paints and put on transparent cloths and erotic attachment to seduce the man of God.

…..for those of you, who put-on attachment, painting or decking of faces and wearing of transparent cloth for seduction….you are sister’s to Jezebels while she is already serving as the great grandmother to many.

But unfortunately, you have been imitating her perfectly because of fashionistas — order to appear beautiful…….but yet none of you are willing to name your daughter as “Jezebel” during naming ceremony.

Those things you see the prostitute and runs girls wearing are borrowed from the Marine Spirit of PEACOCK (Torotoro).

The bible said “As she saw Jehu, she positioned herself to seduce him”

Jehu looking up and behold the seducer and said “Today shall be your end”…. Immediately he ordered those around to throw her down.

One thing that is mysterious (am still researching)

….when Jezebel was thrown down and her blood sprinkled on the ground…..”Why did the earth refuse to lick her blood? 🤔

I mean, from no where dog 🐶 appear to lick the blood of Jezebel!

This is a mysterious symbolic figure that DOG served as an exchange of Prostitutionality.

In spiritual realm, Dog 🐶 is an instrument of fornication or sexual immoralities and once you dreamth about dog 🐶, have i mind, that an urgent deliverance is needed in your life.

Now, any person, either male or female putting on or imitating the styles of Jezebel or inhabiting her immoral thoughts …is been possessed by the SPIRIT OF DOG.

That is why, when you see some ladies putting on seductive cloths, makes-up and parading on women trousers ….you will definitely see a Dog 🐶 like them, calling them by the tune “Hiss.. Hiss… Hissssss.. Hissss.. Hisssssss , babe, … babyy.., babyyyy.

Can you imagine,…. for past 30 years of my earthly Journey, It’s only Dog 🐶 have seen been called anyhow.

That is how those boys inhabiting the immoral thoughts of Jezebel used to called you whenever you dress like Jezebel and your doggy head will began to swell up and puff up!

That is why an old women/men has becomes BABY!

…..biologically, baby is a child 👶 — which means your sense is not complete.

Imagine, someone calling a young man like me BABE (I will arrest you)….What a nonsensical nonsense 😡

Moreover, they called you a babe because it’s sponsored from the pit of Hell to bring your humanitarian dignity below.

The dignity of a man is what makes a woman of dignity — Please don’t forget that!

Originally, man lost his dignity and man restored it but woman lost her’s and she didn’t recovered it.

In ancient time….when a woman is married…..”What is the first GIFT 🛍 given to her on her wedding night?

Can you guess ? 🤔
Do you still remember?

The purpose of that “WHITE CLOTH” given to you on your wedding night is to dignify the dignity of your virginity.

Any woman that didn’t comes out with a CLOTH STAINED with blood on her wedding night is always thrust out of the land and sent packing, tagged as an outcast or stoned to death.

But Jezebel said “NOoooo, let’s communize and repaint Sin”

….now either you repaint sin or not — SIN IS A SIN and he or she that refuse to repent shall perished with her.

When Jesus Christ ✝ was coming into the world 🌍…. he came through a woman of dignity.

If he had comes through a woman who has lost her dignity through sexual immorality… He wouldn’t had becomes the “PURCHASER OF DIGNITY”

You lost your dignity through Blood and also need to be restored through blood because sex is blood.

In order to restored your dignity you need the Blood Of Jesus Christ ✝ whose blood speaketh more better things than blood of Abel and his blood is greater than the blood of men.

If you still keeps Boy or Girlfriends, or dwelling in that abominable relationship called “DATING” .. you are in great danger.

In the scriptural standard and in Christendom stands view point for relationship… It’s only “Courtship” that’s approved.

A means where your Pastor or church marriage committee will be aware while dating is contrary to this because it’s from the pit of Hell.

However, if you want to become the Esther of your generation you ought to decide now!

….Esther won a beauty pageant been a virgin and Joseph enters the Throne been a virgin.

So, what kind of person do you want to become?

But some had swore never to hearken. They are those who call their father “Palee” and mother “Malee”

They are brother to Absalom and sister’s to Jezebel.

Please tonight I want you to become the Joseph and Esther of your family.

Do you know that Joseph’s and Esther’s doesn’t die because their stars 🌟 are not destroy…..and they never stained their Blood.

Their blood has an everlasting covenant and sealed by the Word “Touch Not Mine Anointed And Do My Prophet No Harm”

….and whenever they call their name for evil, God will sent his sword to defend them.


▪️Peter walked on water..
▪️Noah built the ark..
▪️Abraham raised Nations..

Moses parted the Red Sea..
▪️David killed Goliath..

▪️Daniel saw visions..
▪️Esther took over the throne and killed Harman..

▪️Joseph interpreted dream to kings..
▪️Joshua took Down the wall of Jericho and commanded the sun to stand-still..


▪️Deborah delivered Israel..
▪️Samson slaughtered the Philistines..
▪️Paul raised the dead..

▪️Elijah call down fire..

▪️Phillip teleported.. Kai…😢

So if the only miracle you can perform is to go to church, speak in tongues, shout fire, wear Italian shoes, buy new clothes, use the latest iPhones in town and fix the newest Brazilian hair.


Rise up and make impact in your generation. There is so much work to be done sir!!

There is so much battles to be won Ma!!

Impact is more than Clothes And shoes,
Impact is bigger than speaking in tongues and going to church,.. Impact is far beyond driving the latest car


..Sir We are tired of ordinary men, we need extraordinary men…

..Sir We are tired of men who shout fire without fire in their voice..

..sir we are tired of men who are so much interested in titles without mantle..

..sir we are tired of men who speaks so much Hebrew and Greek languages without evidence..

..sir we are tired of men who put on fine suit without power..

..sir we are tired of men who jump and shout in our pulpit without manifestation..

We need men who carry fire,

…..We need men who carry God,

…..We need men who can bring down the the kingdom of God in a territory,

……We need men who are abnormal In the holy ghost,

……We need men who are radical in the spirit,

……We need Men who are brutal and rugged for Christ,

…..We need men whose head has touched the holy ghost,

…..We need men who can confront kings and tell them their mistake..




Friends, Now Listen … ✍

▪️ It doesn’t matter what sin has done with your life.
▪️It does not matter how your life has been battered by the enemy.

The Lord is calling you to come for restructuring this year 2022.

▫️He is your Creator.
▫️He can fix your life right.

▫️ He can restore what enemy has taken from you.
▫️His mercy is available for you In this year 2022.

God has inspired me to write this message because of YOU.

Yes, I mean just because of YOU. You can’t allow devil to cheat you forever.

▪️ Come back to your creator.
▪️ Come back to Jesus Christ.

If you are a victim and you know that you need help. You want to be free from the bondage that sin has put you. Begin to confess your sin. Tell God you are sorry.

Just like a prodigal son you are back. There is hope for you. If you can surrender to Jesus Christ .

There is restoration for you if you can choose Jesus Christ this Moment.

He said in his word and I quote….✍

“….if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness”— 1 John 1:9.

Tell it all to Jesus. The book of proverb 28:13, says he that covers his shall not prosper…

▫️Do you want to prosper?
▫️ Do you want to God to smile at you again.

This morning.. Tell Jesus where you have missed it.

The Bible says” when you hear His voice do not hardened your heart”.

It is an urgent call from the greatest Love. Yes, He can take you just as you are.

▪️ He will cleanse you.
▪️ He will wash you.

▪️ He will remold your life.
▪️He will reshape your destiny.

Today is the day of your salvation. Ah! Tomorrow maybe too late.

Now! NOW!!!

Surrender it to master Jesus Christ. So that you will not end your life in the statement “HAD I KNOWN”

I Drop My Pen…. ✍️

……Please Don’t Act Selfish….. Kindly Forward This Article To Your Friends, Relatives Or WhatsApp Groups And Help Someone To Increased Mentally,’ Spiritually And Inspirationally.

……. This platform was created to Deliver victim of sexual immoralities…..such as Masturbation, Fornicators, Homosexual, Lesbians, Pornography And other Immoral Sexual Related Addicts from immoral yokes of captivities

If you are a victim or had been struggling to uphold sexual purity…. Kindly Chat up ☎ ….. ” “Evangelist Elizabeth 2tru WhatsApp (+2348153748826) in order to be added…..


…. ..☎ CONTACT “Evangelist Elizabeth” 2tru WhatsApp (+2348153748826).


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